September 19, 2024

The Spartan Spectator

The Official Newspaper of East Longmeadow High School

Spartan Volley Ball Dominates Pacers in 3 Sets

Positive attitudes and team chemistry is what senior captains Ashley Kahi and Allyson Voight believe are going to guide their team to victory this season.

With eight of the twelve varsity volleyball players returning, both captains are grateful to have knowledgeable girls that were all ready to jump right into the season.

The confidence in this team was showcased right off the bat Wednesday night, with the Spartans dominating their first set against the Chicopee Pacers 25-4. The energy was immediately sparked by senior Sophia Dow, who served for the first four consecutive points.

In the second and third sets the Spartans’ momentum started to shift the Pacers’ way, but the Spartans’ perseverance kicked in and each time they battled back to claim victory, sweeping the match 3-0.

Highlights from these last two sets came in terms of serving, which featured junior outside hitter Adrienne Rioux’s 11 aces and senior middle Bella Giard’s 85.7% serving average. Not to mention defensive excellence from junior libero Izzy Longo, who, at many points, kept the Spartans in the game.

The spartans’ electric 27-25 second set win and 25-21 third set win took an entire team effort, and one to that embodied the words of the prideful senior captains prior to their first game of the season.

“This is the best team we’ve had in my four years of being here,” Voight said. “We know how to trust each other.”

Ashley Kahi emulated Voight’s thoughts on this year’s team, stating she has faith in the team because of “how much work and dedication they put into getting to this point.” 

With so much confidence in their team comes expectations from the setter Ally Voight.

“I feel like this is the year,” Voight said. “If we are going to win something, it’s going to be this year.”

Besides hard work and dedication, the secret to the Spartans’ success is forming a very close bond with each other.

“We all love each other, we’re one big family,” Kahi said. “We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.”

For both Kahi and Voight, stepping into the roles of captains this year came with extra responsibilities in which they have used to uplift the team when their players aren’t in the right headspace.

“People get in their heads, but we’re here to lead and show that it’s okay to make mistakes,” Voight said. “Our energy on the court will be better and we’ll be better because of it.”

So far into their captaincy Voight and Kahi would describe their traits as being “strong leaders with positive attitudes.”

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