September 18, 2024

The Spartan Spectator

The Official Newspaper of East Longmeadow High School

Kathy Celetti, Beloved Secretary, to Retire After 3 decades at ELHS

By Juliann Voight and Ellie Mara, ’23

The people Kathleen Celetti has worked with were more than just coworkers and students–they were family. 

After working for 33 years for the East Longmeadow Public Schools, Mrs. Celetti is retiring. While at ELPS, Mrs.Celetti had a career full of memories, positive relationships, and has certainly left an impact.

Born in Springfield, Mrs. Celetti grew up locally and now lives in East Longmeadow. After taking classes at Holyoke Community College in Business and Secretarial studies and earning certificates, she ran a licensed daycare. 

As her kids got older and started attending school, Mrs. Celetti wanted to work full time. She heard about a potential job as a paraprofessional at the high school.

“I applied and I was fortunate enough to get the job,” Mrs. Celetti said. 

She began her career at ELHS in 1989 working with a blind student. In the next 30 years, Mrs. Celetti had multiple different positions, working as a Secretary in the Health Room for both the high school and the middle school before becoming an Admin Assistant in the high school office in 1992. 

“I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to work in all five positions with some really great people,” she said. “I’ve gone from one job to another and each one I loved.”                                   

In 1994, Mrs. Celetti became a secretary for the guidance department. Looking back at her time in guidance, Mrs. Celetti has fond memories of working with the kids and witnessing their accomplishments. 

“The excitement of when they would get into college and putting their pictures up on the window-they loved it, and I did too,” she said. “I felt like they were my own kids.”

Mrs. Celetti said how some of her favorite memories are from being with the students and seeing their achievements. She watched students go through the stressful application process, nervously wait for months, then be accepted into college, feeling proud of them as if they were her own kids. 

“A lot of them used to call me Momma C. I was like their mother,” Mrs.Celetti said. 

These experiences with the students were some of the best parts of her job. 

As guidance secretary, Mrs. Celetti watched her own children, Joe and Tanya, go through high school. 

“My kids didn’t mind me being here. They loved it,” Mrs. Celetti said. “It was nice. They would come down during lunch, and I got to know their friends.”  

After seeing her kids navigate the high school, she watched as they went on to pursue careers. Her son Joe Celetti is now retiring from the National Guard after 22 years. He works as a trainer for the sheriff’s department. Her daughter Tanya went to Westfield State and currently works with autistic adults for a nonprofit organization. Mrs.Celetti’s family is important to her, and she cherishes the time she gets to spend with them. 

After 11 years working in guidance, Mrs.Celetti moved up to be the Executive Secretary/School Committee Recording Secretary in the Central Office. She has worked for superintendent Gordon Smith, prioritizing his emails and helping him with his everyday tasks. In the office, Mrs.Celetti was known to be organized and efficient, making sure everything gets done. 

“Mrs. Celetti’s work is critical to the success of the ELPS Central Office,” Gordon Smith said. 

Mr.Smith has worked with Mrs.Celetti for 12 years, and describes her as the glue that keeps everyone in the workplace connected. She also helps the office be an “efficient, productive, positive, and welcoming place.”  

Mrs.Celetti said that she is thankful for having a great group of people to work with. Each member of the office works together to accomplish everything they need to, and Mrs. Celetti helps keep them on track.  

“Central Office is my work family, we are a team,” she said. “They might say I’m the mother hen watching over her coup making sure the day runs smoothly for everyone, and everything that needs to get done, gets done.”                                                  

The Director of Curriculum at ELHS Heather Brown, who has worked with Mrs. Celetti for the past four years, agrees. 

“She’s very organized, has tons of institutional knowledge,” Mrs. Brown said. “She’s been in the district for a long time.”       

Mrs. Celetti is also the office party planner, remembering birthdays and special events, always baking for everyone. 

“When she goes we tease her, ‘What are we going to do now? No one’s going to bake or plan anything, or know when it’s someone’s birthday,’” Mrs. Brown said.       

Mrs.Celetti displayed this thoughtfulness throughout her career, and did many kind gestures. “When my mother passed away, she arranged a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She’s super talented,” Mrs. Brown said.  

Mrs.Celetti’s caring qualities not only make her a great coworker and friend, but also made her a person others could look up to. 

“Mrs. Celetti is welcoming, friendly, supportive, and responsible,” Mr.Smith said. “She is a role model for all of us.” 

Mrs.Celetti is excited for her upcoming retirement. “I’m actually gonna do a lot of traveling,” Mrs.Celetti said. “My husband has been retired for eight years, so we’re ready and we like to travel.” 

Mrs.Celetti would like to travel to Italy, Hawaii, and Alaska. She also looks forward to spending more time with her family. Mrs.Celetti said that she is very close with her kids, and has two grandchildren as well that she is excited to see more often. 

While at EL, Mrs.Celetti did a lot for the high school in all five of her positions, and she won’t be forgotten when she retires. “We’re going to miss her,” Mrs. Brown said. 

Reflecting on her career at ELHS, Mrs.Celetti said it’s been 33 years of happiness. She is grateful for the time she had here. 

“There’s opportunities, you never know unless you grab them. I think if I didn’t grab each one that came along I probably wouldn’t be in this position,” Mrs. Celetti said. “If you put your mind to it you can do anything.” 

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